Monday, October 09, 2006


So I've fiddled with my sidebars repeatedly, logging on probably a half dozen times since my last post and added absolutely nothing of my own.

The WIPs are as follows:
  1. socks for my father: Ash Essential from KnitPicks with lovely not-too-girly two stitch minicables. My main concern is that despite how stretchy they seem, I can't imagine they will fit. Oh well, they won't be the first pair of hand-knitted gift socks that end up being a gift for me.
  2. log cabin throw for the bf's sister: getting almost out of hand on the circular needles, but I'm trying to reduce stash by attempting to force myself to use all the yarn I bought for the project (Sugar'n Cream... cheap but I like it).
  3. red sweater for me: Cascade 220 from the LYS in Brooklyn (not my LYS per se) where it was 10% off. Love the color, in 2x2 rib the amazing stretch is the most fun! So far, the Rebecca translation has been OK...
  4. commissioned scarves: batch of 3 scarves commissioned by a co-worker after the scarf I knitted to raise money for our library was such a hit. Who knew? The first one is mistake ribbing, like the one for our sale. The other two will be something else because otherwise I will poke my eyes out with my #9s. They aren't exciting, but they are good TV knitting. Now I just have to figure out how much I can charge her for them without being embarrassed.

Now I must consult my Christmas list becuase I'm sure there are about 5 other projects I scheduled myself to work on in October. And I must dust off the camera and post some pictures of said WIPs becuase otherwise you all might think I was making this all up!

What I wish I was knitting...

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