Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Eve Eve

To the knitblogging goddess:
I resolve in 2007 I will:
  1. make better use of my digital camera.
  2. take at least one picture of each finished object I knit, crochet, spin, sew or weave (if the loom ever gets assembled).
  3. more carefully document my projects so I can stand a halfway decent chance of replicating my results if called upon to do so.
  4. organize my stash.

I think it is totally reasonable that I am considering making only fiber related resolutions. Why set myself up for disappointment, right?At least if I fall short on these it will be fun trying!

So onward toward 2007. A new look (with the new Blogger) and a new outlook focused on regular postings and pictures for posterity.

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