Monday, October 09, 2006

two two two posts at once!

As promised, some quick and dirty pics taken as soon as I walked in the door from work tonight. Sorry so sloppy and dark. I promise to be more careful with the camera in the future.
In order:

Socks: see how they seem like they fit me, not my size 11 shoe wearing father? But he has slim calves...maybe? He definately does not have my rocking polar bear pj pants, though.

log cabin: note how s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d the needle is at the top. This may soon become a sweater: I swear it stretches. And has a lovely rippley edge.

scarf: I chose the yarn cause it was acrylic and cheap, yet still soft and the stripeness is fun cause it makes it look hard and therefore I can charge more for the finished product.


So I've fiddled with my sidebars repeatedly, logging on probably a half dozen times since my last post and added absolutely nothing of my own.

The WIPs are as follows:
  1. socks for my father: Ash Essential from KnitPicks with lovely not-too-girly two stitch minicables. My main concern is that despite how stretchy they seem, I can't imagine they will fit. Oh well, they won't be the first pair of hand-knitted gift socks that end up being a gift for me.
  2. log cabin throw for the bf's sister: getting almost out of hand on the circular needles, but I'm trying to reduce stash by attempting to force myself to use all the yarn I bought for the project (Sugar'n Cream... cheap but I like it).
  3. red sweater for me: Cascade 220 from the LYS in Brooklyn (not my LYS per se) where it was 10% off. Love the color, in 2x2 rib the amazing stretch is the most fun! So far, the Rebecca translation has been OK...
  4. commissioned scarves: batch of 3 scarves commissioned by a co-worker after the scarf I knitted to raise money for our library was such a hit. Who knew? The first one is mistake ribbing, like the one for our sale. The other two will be something else because otherwise I will poke my eyes out with my #9s. They aren't exciting, but they are good TV knitting. Now I just have to figure out how much I can charge her for them without being embarrassed.

Now I must consult my Christmas list becuase I'm sure there are about 5 other projects I scheduled myself to work on in October. And I must dust off the camera and post some pictures of said WIPs becuase otherwise you all might think I was making this all up!

What I wish I was knitting...