I am proud to announce the completion of both the scarves I knit to donate to the Red Scarf Project this year. I think this is a super idea and hope it continues long into the future so I can have the chance after my holiday extravagance to feel like I'm giving back to someone.
The real red scarf is the Irish Hiking scarf, which if the gallery on the project page is anything to go by was a popular choice for the donations this year. I used Plymouth Encore which is squishy and soft and machine washable. Hooray! And I thought the burgundy was unisex enough. I think it shows the cables (done without a cable needle, also a new trick) very nicely.
The no-so-red scarf is the Arrowhead scarf from the holiday issue of KnitSimple. I thought the simple pattern was fun and deceptively complicated looking, which is always a bonus in a gift item. The grey and white make it a bit more dramatic than in the magazine which uses a light green and a variagated green. Also successfully unisex I think. Enjoy the slightly trippy optical illusional aspects of my photo! I'm trying to master the macro settings on the camera.